MIOWN (also known as THE CEMENT WRECK)

MIOWN (also known as the cement wreck).


This wreck of the Miown lies directly south off Shoreham Harbour about 1.5 miles out. Lying in a maximum of 10-12 metres at high tide, this wreck has recently started to uncover again after many years of being hidden in the sand. Sunk in 1914 in a gale, she was carrying a cargo of cement (hence her other local name). All her crew perished when abandoning ship due to the icy February waters, but the captain remained onboard, clinging to her mast until rescued.

Her cargo can still be seen today, albeit solidified into lumps of rock! The most prominent part is her large boiler which stands proud about 2 metres. There are also quite a few of her ribs to be seen now, including the lifeboat davits sticking out at 45 degrees.

Fish life on this wreck is again prolific. In summer, shoals of bib appear as a cloud, constantly checking the divers out who visit their home! This site is excellent as a night dive in good visibility, with lots of crabs coming out at night to mate and eat, and cuttlefish virtually guaranteed. Some very large wrasse can also be seen in summer skirting around. Towards the bow section, away from the main wreckage is a large anchor, not associated with the actual wreck.


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