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The Swiss motor ship of 5,364 tons. Now she lies north-south, with her bows to the north on a sea bed of soft sand. She lays on her side and has started to collapse down, but her bridge is still her highest point.  There are good access areas along the length of her hull and she is covered in fish.


The Braunton, a 4575 ton 380ft British Merchantman, She rests in a depth of 36mtrs at HW. She was sunk by the German Submarine UB29 on the 7th April 1916.

The wreck today has the bows to the west and stern to the east, the stern is intact on her port side and standing some 10mtrs high & her cargo of munitions, some 1800tons of shells and ammunitions lay scattered all around.


The Ramsgarth was a small British merchantman of 1,553tons, she was captured by UB-39 on 28th November1916. She now rests on her starboard side in a depth of 25mtrs, her bow is upright and stands 5mts proud.

The stern is also intact, but the mid-section has collapsed and is wide open exposing the boiler and engine room. Marine life is excellent on this wreck and scallops are found close by. visibility in this area is often very good, 8-10mtrs


The sailing ship “Bessell” was built in 1878 and was owned by the Liverpool, Brazil & River Plate Company. Had a length of 307ft and beam 34ft.

In 1895 whilst enroute from London to Santos the Bessell was in collision south of Brighton and west from the Royal Sovereign Lightship.

Today the shipwreck rests in 63mtrs of water to the South from Brighton. The stern lays over at 45degrees with a break midships to allow the front to sit upright and the Bows still in place. As you swim forwards from the stern passing over the holds you can see her cargo of wine & beer bottles, jars of pickled vegetables, crockery, tooth paste pots & crown perfume bottles. This is a fabulous dive.


HMS Minion was a M-class destroyer launched in  September 1915 .She was 1,025 tons and had a  length of 276ft with a beam of 26ft. The M Class were  armed with three 4-inch guns, one 2-pounder pom- pom and four 21inch torpedo tubes in pairs. She had a maximum speed of 34 knots. HMS Minion was lost whilst under tow to the ship breakers.

Today she rests on an even keel in 46mtrs 12 miles south of Brighton, Bows point to the east with the stern disappearing into sand dunes. The decks are pretty open with big holes and  areas to explore, large round holes on the deck where the gun turrets used to be giving access to the engine room. This is an excellent dive.


This is the wreck of a British oil tanker that was built in  1901, She struck a mine on 11th October 1917, laid by  the German sub UC50, the Mira was full of oil.

 The Mira lays North – South and is laying on her stbd  side. Sand dunes around this wreck are building up  around her hull which is 345ft long & 47ft wide. The  ship rests in 30mtrs & is good for Bass fishing.